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Tuesday, December 3, 2013

It may not be easy but it will be worth it.

Think about it. Everything in life worth having has required some sort of battle. It makes us appreciate the outcome so much more. The journey we take defines who we are. To study or not study. To engage with someone who doesn't listen or just walk away. To eat another slice of cake or drink some water. To get up and try again or just stay defeated. 

I consider myself defined by the fact that I spent 2 hours at my study abroad orientation preparing for the United Kingdom. It's another step closer to being over there for a semester. I have face obstacles after obstacles in efforts of making my dream happen. I feel like I am coming out stronger each time. No matter how many step back I take, I will take even more forward. Because my experience in England will be rewarding, amazing, enjoyable, challenging, special, riveting, and most of all, life changing. 

It will all be worth it because the journey is not easy.. 

I hope to find a church when I get settled in, join a volleyball team, maybe join an outdoors club. I'm determined to meet new people and explore. My spring break I have a whole month off, yes, a whole 30 days. (: I aspire to spend a week in Paris, Madrid, Venice, and somewhere in Greece each. Hop from hostel to hostel, live off of street vendors, and breathe in the European culture that will surround me. Ride the Eye, watch the sunset at the Eiffel Tower, swim in the waters of the Grecian Island, and so much more. 

I have been called to this adventure for a reason that I do not know yet, but I am jumping in with an open mind, heart, and soul. While I am terrified, I have never felt more alive. I have a feeling this is what life is all about. 

52 days y'all. 52 days. (: 

Stay beautiful,

1 comment:

  1. I am beyond proud of you for putting yourself out there! It has been and will continue to be such a pleasure to watch you grow with all of your new experiences, both good and bad! I love you so much!
