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Saturday, January 25, 2014

Today's the day!!!

Well in 7 hours, I'll be getting on a plane to Chicago. Then to London Heathrow!

What a whirlwind it's been, I've spent the past week running around like a chicken with my head cut off. No shame in that though, I'll embrace it. (:

Altogether I've been feeling a large amount of emotions, but fear is the biggest one. I have so much fear for the unknown and the unexpected. I'm not going to even give justice to those fears by putting them in here. Someone wise once told me that the only thing to give credit to fear is that it is False Evidence Appearing Real. Everything I'm scared of hasn't even happened yet. So why am I so focused on it?

Well. I don't know.

I don't know why I'm scared just like I'm scared because I don't know what's to come. So I'm going to try to hop off the fear train that's going in a circle and just breathe. Pray. & Relax.

Easier said than done. Just for the record.

Anyways, I'm all packed. I'm 1.3 lbs over according to my scale at home. So here's hoping that my smile can work a little magic with the TSA Agents and they won't charge me! I've got books, music, and Benadryl for the plane rides. It's a 2ish hour flight to Chicago and an 8ish hour flight to London. I'll land at 11:30 am and catch a coach to the Nottingham bus station then a taxi to my dorm! Hopefully I'll be at my dorm around 7:30 in the evening.

I'm attaching some pictures of the currency we ordered! It's pretty cool (:

So all that's left at this point is to get ready and just stay calm. I'm praying for peace, patience, and safety. I'm also praying for my family and friends here at home, watch over them, bring them assurance, and let them know that everything is okay.

Oh yeah, and I got the best breakfast ever. My inner kid was elated to find Minnie Mouse pancakes waiting for me when I woke up this morning. (:

Wish me luck!!

Stay Beautiful &love always,


  1. You do not need got this girl! Your mom and I are so proud, excited and extremely envious of your journey to come! We love you and will have sausage dip waiting upon your return!

  2. Can't wait to see pictures of your adventures of #elenatakesoneurope!! It will be a blast and you will be fine. Love ya!!
